1. Symptoms and sickness in today's church, as I've witnessed them for a number of years and in their ministerial association meetings I have attended. (list is not prioritized)
      1. Humility of church leaders is almost non-existent. Leaders don't seek the prayers of their people.
      2. Lay people need to pray for and encourage leaders to stand strong in pulpit – they are accountable. And by implication, we are accountable also.
      3. Sermons don't use words and themes about sin, repentance, conviction, and accountability.
        (sin is defined here: Sin is thinking and doing things we know God doesn't like.)
      4. Our pattern of prayer doesn't begin with praise and adoration and it doesn't end with 'thy will be done”. Health issues dominate the top majority of the list with salvation and missions hardly mentioned, if at all.
      5. Adults don't want to evangelize youth because that requires tears and a God-honoring repentant life style and sacrificial creed in front of the youth.
      6. Seniors forget they were once energized kids.
      7. Seniors visually throw daggers at kids in sanctuary expecting them to be adults in kid's bodies.
      8. Adults feed kids sugar candy to get them to behave, but the result is just the opposite.
      9. Leaders feed kids archaic bible lessons salted with traditional bible stories. Kids are smart enough to recognize these disrespectful provisions toward their real needs.
      10. Churches are robbing the seniors of their greatest opportunity in church and great commission.
      11. Churches are robbing the youth of their joy, peace, purpose for now and tomorrow.
      12. Churches are not teaching the contemporary relevance of scripture and its use in today's world.
      13. For generations, technology has been used as an inhuman babysitter.
      14. Personal bibles are replaced with wall displays and middle of the road quarterlies.
      15. People don't see the sacrifice in true love. They have no clear meaning of real love.
      16. Churches get louder bands and audio system trying to reach youth, but now you couldn't hear the Holy Spirit convicting your heart, even if you wanted to.
      17. People believe Satan’s big lie: “It's too late to reach youth.”
      18. Church men don't step up to the plate and lead as commanded by God, so the women do.
      19. Satan has clouded the value of each and every soul. (and the value of my own salvation, too)
      20. Milk-toast believeism and evangelism has deluded people into thinking they have been saved and washed by the blood of the lamb for all eternity. They then live a 'christian' life that is not at all 'Christ-like'; discouraged, selfish, holding hands with the world.
      21. Volumes of church conversation is about sports, fashions, and the physical health of others, and nothing about the salvation and spiritual maturity of the youth.
      22. Youth leaders have such classroom disrespect and order from students, that spiritual growth and scriptural training are far from possible.