Well, back from our breather with Granny and Bobby. It's no secret they are a fictional pair, that teach us about our own heart and that of God's heart of incredible love for you and I. No, not any churches I've been in have a pair like Granny and Bobby. I wish they did. Maybe you do also.
A reality check will show that as soon as you even begin asking the church and your class to move "the youth" up toward the top of the prayer list, you'll be ruffling feathers in a serious defiant way. Include in your 'move up' request the justification that those with runny noses, ripped jeans, or green hair will soon be the decision makers of this very church we are seated in and members of.
     This I've done repeatedly, in the last 5 churches I've attended regularly and/or are member of. See how fast the group leader makes a statement that equates to, "OK. let's move on." Or, during prayer request time, ask to have the teachers (by name) of the youth added to the prayer list. In just a few weeks you'll be counciled and given a choice to either "don't make waves" or quietly find another church you'd better fit into.  Without any details, before God, I can tell you from several experiences, this is what happens.

What am I saying? This is a real point of PERSONAL prayer and meditation. There can be different reasons for these "don't make waves" attitudes, or maybe a combination of them. Some years ago, during my job as director in a local Youth For Christ chapter, I spent one of my first days in a juvinile court room. I watched a mother and dad standing before the judge, with their teen son between them. I heart the father and mother clearly ask the judge to take their son from them. Our son will not obey us in any way. We're almost becoming afraid of him. (At least words to that effect.)
     As I write these words, I'm thinking of the commands God gave to take a defiant son and have him stoned... defiant children were a real threat to God's plan for families and communities. They still are. But we want to take a closer look at responsibility and accountability as leaders and models for our youth.

I would say it's time to review our definition of the attribute of love; especially, God's Love.
                  LOVE is the sacrificial heart-felt act or attitude toward another. 

... until next time... stay tuned.